Friday 5 July 2013

Little Hands, Big Hearts

We had a very busy day at last week's KidsGrow!

To start off, everyone worked together to water our garden and take care of all the little plants that are growing there. We all worked as a team; sharing the watering cans and making sure everyone had a turn at watering the garden. Teamwork is an important part of any community, and it is something that we have seen a lot of in the past few weeks as we start to recover from the flooding that Alberta has experienced.

With all the devastation that a natural disaster like the Alberta flooding can bring, sometimes it's hard to know what to do to help. For some people, the answer is to provide those who were affected with a place to stay, or to help clean up the mess left behind. For last week's KidsGrow! participants, the answer was to show support to our friends in the Hillhurst Sunnyside community by drawing a beautiful picture and message of support. The second activity of the day involved lots of paper, pencil crayons, imagination, and thoughtfulness. Small acts of kindness such as these are what hold our community together, and remind us that help can come in all shapes and sizes.

After a yummy snack of watermelon, strawberries and mint water (mint leaves courtesy of the mint plant growing in our garden), we headed out on a nature walk. Everyone had something to share about the plants, animals, and creepy crawlies that we saw while exploring the area outside our garden. We learned lots about what we saw, but the most important lesson was that even if not everyone is an expert, by working together we can gain a better understanding of our community.

Ending the day with some games and a sharing circle, we were reminded that everyone has something to offer our community, and if we work together, we can accomplish anything.

We'll see you on Saturday!

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